Update: this article was written some 15 years ago. The girl in question continues to remain in perfect health, and is described as a lively teenager who leads a very active life.
Occasional thoughts, musings and ponderings unclearly expressed - in Maltese and English
Saturday, 7 November 2020
Death by Expertise?
Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Il-Missier il-Ħali
Kif kont kważi għaxxaqt kollox,
B’dawn idejja x’mort għamilt
Kelli kulma ridt u aktar
Imma l-gost qerried għażilt
F’dar missieri kien hemm kollox,
Sliem u mħabba kemm irrid
Ħbieb bir-radam iwennsuni
Kont ta’ ħajti tassew sid
Stajt insib min ifarraġni
Meta nibki kont neħtieġ
Kelli ’l ħija bastun fuqi.
Ħarist wisq barra mill-ħġieġ.
U rajt dinja attraenti
Smajt il-kant maħnuq, sfrenat.
F’lejl miżgħud kwiekeb tal-plastik
Poplu jhewden ibbażżjat.
Bħal farfett miġbud lejn fjamma,
Bid-dawl tagħha ipnotizzat
Insejt kollox, ħrabt ’il barra
Għat-tbaħrid determinat
F’dik id-dinja tal-kuluri
Għixt imdamdam bil-pjaċir
Trab mill-abjad ġo mnifsejja
Kont inħossni qed intir.
Milfs u escorts, mitt elf mara
Meta ridt għal waħda tnejn,
Nissodisfa biss l-istinti,
Konsegwenzi? Ma qist xejn.
Ħbieb madwari bit-tużżani
Jekk f’ħaġ’oħra medhijin
Kulma ridt inħallas xarba
U bil-gzuz tarahom ġejjin
Fuq il-magni ħallelin,
F’każinos, bil-pannu aħdar
Li xorbuli kull xelin
Fi ftit xhur il-folja nqalbet
Filli fl-għoli qalb is-sħab
Filli ħadt tisbita kbira
U spiċċajt nilgħaq it-trab.
Waħdi, minsi mill-ħbieb kollha,
U għalkemm spiċċaw il-flus
Bix-xorb goff ta’ nbid mill-qares
Bdejt niġġandar bħal qażquż.
X’ħin bil-guħ, jien bdejt nintebaħ
Li ma kontx ‘il bogħod mit-tmiem
Ftakart kif ġo dar missieri
Hemm il-barka, ġid u sliem
U azzardajt naħseb li forsi
Kien hemm ċans jilqagħni hemm
Anke biss qisni barrani
Jekk id-demm qatt ma jsir semm.
Ma nafx kif, sibt min wassalni
mhux ‘il bogħod, fit-tarf tat-triq
Bdejt nistaqsi lili nnifsi
Se jgħajjarni wiċċi sfiq?
Se nisma’ ’l Missieri jgħidli
“’Ma rridekx, itlaq minn haw’
M’għandikx dritt tissejjaħ ibni
Mur man-nisa li żgarraw’?”
’Qas ilħaqt ħarist lejn daru
Li ma qamx dlonk fuq saqajh
Rajtu jtir bla nifs għal fuqi
U għafasni bejn dirgħajh
Leħnu fgat, bid-dmugħ iġelben
Qalli “Ibni, fl-aħħar ġejt
Kemm ġrejt ‘l hawn u ‘ l hemm infittxek
Kemm għarrixt minn fuq il-bejt.”
Dak il-ħali ta’ missieri
Baqa’ jħobbni kull mument
Ma mpurtahx mill-ġid li ħadtlu
Ma tax każ tat-tradiment
Ippruvajt nitolbu skuża,
Imma hu bil-ferħ itir
Qalli “Le, maħfur għal kollox,
Imxi nagħmlu party kbir
Nagħmlu festa la ġejt lura
La nistgħu nifirħu bik.
Mill-mewt qomt, erġajt għall-ħajja
Kont mitluf, issa sibnik”
Sunday, 30 August 2020
The King and the Saviour
Lèse Majestè
politicians go, Joseph Muscat is not one to hold up as an exemplary
figure. He conned us
into believing he was an honest-to-goodness young liberal – albeit with sound
values - with a refreshingly modern,
mould-breaking outlook on how to run the affairs of the nation. In truth his
admirers – whose name is legion – can point to a considerable number of
accomplishments few could be dishonest enough to deny. However, even some of these were
achieved at a high cost, be it to the environment, to truth, to good
governance, to the good name of the country and to social cohesion.
Under his
watch, while for many the tenor of material life improved, the community as a whole
sank into a moral morass which is threatening to suffocate our nation’s spirit.
He railed against the scandals of the Gonzi administration, and although there is no proof he actually benefitted from shady deals himself, became an arch-abettor of corruption involving his closest cronies. He portrayed
himself as something of an environmentalist and destroyed a good chunk of the little his predecessors had
left in open spaces, greenery and urban beauty for the benefit of the
construction industry. One could go on.
All in all,
you might almost be tempted to call this slick salesman of snake-oil a rather nasty piece of work. But a murderer -
or even an enabler of murder - he is not.
I do not believe
what Mr. Fenech told the police on his arrest, which was duly and dutifully
relayed during testimony in court a few days ago. While the man accused of
masterminding Daphne Caruana Galizia’s heinous killing maintained Muscat had
spoken to him about the murder during the infamous Girgenti birthday bash, a
text message sent by Fenech to Muscat shows there was no communication between
them on that day. Fenech was almost certainly trying to muddy the waters and
diffuse guilt. Then there was that remark of Fenech’s (caught on tape)
that it would be madness to approach ix-Xiħ for help with staving off
Would Muscat
have pardoned Theuma if he had anything to do with the murder? Keith Schembri
was petrified a pardoned Theuma would spill enough beans to point to his sordid
(possibly after the
fact) involvement in the affair – as indeed happened. Yet Muscat practically
insisted on agreeing to the pardon on his own initiative. Had he been involved,
that would have been indeed dangerous: Theuma’s revelation could open a can of worms
which might very well have implicated all those involved – including Muscat.
So, while
Muscat is a blot on the political landscape the nation is well rid of, it would
be dishonest - though undoubtedly most gratifying to those who hate him with a
passion – for the former uncrowned monarch of Maltese politics, now deposed, to be blamed for involvement in that
terrible deed. On the contrary, everything points to the fact that one of the extenuating
factors of Muscat’s colourful tenure was the unstinting efforts he made to uncover Daphne’s killers.
Six weeks after the deed, the alleged material executors were apprehended and
charged – and have been languishing in prison since then. It took two years to
arrest the alleged mastermind, but the police appear to have built a strong
case against him. By all accounts Muscat pushed all he could for the truth
about the murder to emerge.
the most honourable thing for Muscat to do right now is to disappear completely
from the political scene – a self-imposed exile to somewhere truly distant and
exotic, like Andromeda, on a one-way ticket, would fit the bill admirably – he
should not do so with the label of accomplice in murder stuck to his name. It
is perhaps inevitable that following Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder, the
resulting welter of
emotions would not only fuel opposition to the administration perceived as responsible for her
death, but also cloud judgement as to the proper and fair apportioning of guilt
according to just and rational criteria.
Le Sauveur
Were I a
card-carrying member of the PN – something I have never been nor am likely to ever
become – in the forthcoming leadership vote I would almost certainly plump for
Bernard Grech.
It’s not
that I terribly - or even somewhat - dislike Delia as a person. On the contrary
I think I find him
something of a simpatiku, someone I would quite happily get to know and discuss
politics and football with over a tea or ten at the local.
in politics has its value, but only to a limited extent. Far more than whether
one, on a personal level, provokes feelings of attraction in other people, what
matters is the ability of the politician involved to convince that he or she is
reliable; someone you can trust with decisions about your most precious
belongings, indeed with the lives of the people you love most.
If the PN confirms Delia, it is doomed to continuing
internecine struggles (if not an actual split) and certain massive defeat in
the next election. That, in itself, may be neither here nor there for many
Maltese. But the prospect of a government which need never look to its laurels
and feels it can plough ahead with any initiative, however tainted, because
there will not be any meaningful Parliamentary opposition to its designs,
should worry us all to insomnia. Every night.
Saturday, 11 April 2020
State-Funded Homicide?
One of the great debates within the abortion controversy is the question of whether, in its early stages, the zygote/embryo is to be considered a person. Personhood is not a scientific concept. If there is a human biological development which unequivocally signifies that the human life is, as from that moment, to be considered a human person we do not know what it is.
Wednesday, 5 February 2020
Thursday, 2 January 2020
Fit-2 ta' Jannar tal-2000, it-tabib li ra qallu li għandu bżonn ikun diżintossikat. Kull sena Dar l-Impenn, fejn issir id-diżintossikazzjoni, tkun magħluqa sat-3 ta' Jannar minħabba l-waqfa tal-Milied, imma minħabba s-Sur M dik is-sena reġgħet fetħet ġurnata qabel.
Ma kienx jemmen li xi darba għad jieqaf għalkollox. Jgħid sal-lum li l-ħsieb tiegħu kien li jieqaf għal ftit kemm isodd ħalq il-mara, u wara jerġa’ jibda .
Meta kien wasal biex jispiċċa d-diżintosikazzjoni, mar jarah ħaddiem ta’ sedqa, espert ta’ veru. Minn hawn u minn hemm ikkonvinċieh li jekk se jitlaq mingħajr ma jagħmel li kien hemm bżonn, kien sejjer jerġa’ jibda jixrob minnufih. U t-theddida tal-mara kienet għadha mdendla fuq rasu. Pjuttost kontra qalbu daħal jagħmel programm residenzjali. Kienu sħabu tal-programm li mbagħad ikkonvinċewh biex jieħdu bis-serjetà.
Ħajjet M inbidlet bis-sħiħ. Meta jitkellem fuq kif kienet ħajtu u kif inhi llum sħabu jisimgħu b’attenzjoni għax ġarrab u qed jirbaħ. U miegħu ta’ madwaru, li ġarrbu wkoll, qed jirbħu bħalu. Mill-fdalijiet ta' li kien għad baqagħlu għoxrin sena ilu, fassal ħajja ġdida, sabiħa u siewja.
Hu jgħid li tgħallem ħafna mingħandna. Li ma jafx – jew ma japprezzax biżżejjed – hu kemm għallem lilna hu.
It-telefonata kienet waħda minn dawk li bħalha konna nirċievu ta’ sikwit: kollega minn sedqa , jaħdem fil-kamp tad-droga, ċempilli biex jgħi...
It's difficult to give expression to the welter of emotions I'm experiencing right now. Trying to tease out all the different feeli...
It-telefonata kienet waħda minn dawk li bħalha konna nirċievu ta’ sikwit: kollega minn sedqa , jaħdem fil-kamp tad-droga, ċempilli biex jgħi...
Ħ amsin sena ilu, it-Tazza tad-Dinja tal-futbol saret il-Ġermanja. Kienet l-edizzjoni li tibqa’ minquxa fl-imħuħ tad-dilettanti għaliex fi...